May 1st is International Workers' Day - a day of celebration of past successes and acts of struggle and solidarity but also a day to promote the battles ahead. Reading Trades Union Council takes pride in its central role in organising and supporting Reading's May Day each year as well as supporting events organised by others.
This year, May Day was shaped as a two part affair in Reading. It commenced at 11:00 with the customary 'Salud' to the Reading volunteers who fought fascism and promoted democracy and socialism in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939).
RTUC Acting President, Tanya Wills (Unite Community) laying a wreath at the International Brigades Memorial |
Organised by the Reading International Brigades Memorial Committee, with assistance from Kathy McCubbing and Nada al-Sanjari (both Reading Socialist Club), the latter acting as compere, tributes were presented at the International Brigades Memorial in Forbury Gardens. Wreath-laying took place by family representatives of the sculptor, the late Eric Stanford, the GMB union (Rob Stirling and Anthony Bardos), Reading Socialist Club (Marianna Giovino) and Reading Trades Union Council (Tanya Wills).
Tanya Wills speaking on behalf of RTUC |
Music was a prominent feature of the event, with Nicky Jerrome and the Didcot Red Kites leading and the assembly following with verse and chorus of 'L'Internationale'. 'The Red Flag' and 'Jarama Valley' were also wonderfully performed.
Ray Parkes (Unite Community, RTUC and RIBMC) giving unscripted reflections |
For RTUC, John Partington (TSSA) gave historical examples of the use of illegal activity to fight fascism, citing its inspiration for contemporary movements; Tanya Wills (Unite Community) illustrated the contemporary relevance of the International Brigaders by reference to current struggles; and Ray Parkes (Unite Community) described the efforts in the 1980s by himself, Keith Jerrome (Unite Community) and others to ensure a lasting memorial was created in Reading.
Oxfordshire comrades (including John Partington, 3rd right, TSSA) at the Reading May Day
The presence of a significant contingent of attendees from Didcot and Oxford is a tribute to the networking efforts made in recent months between the Berkshire and Oxfordshire left.
Ray Parkes and Keith Jerrome (both Unite Community, RTUC and RIBMC) - bearers of the torch! |
Thanks go to Keith, Kathy and Nada - as well as the wider participants - for ensuring the memory and spirit of the International Brigades and other activists against fascism are not forgotten and, indeed, are appropriately contextualised for modern times.
Following the Reading International Brigades commemoration, the Reading Trades Union Council hosted a solidarity picnic from 12:30 followed by speakers from Reading and Oxford covering a wide range of themes.
Tanya Wills introducing speakers following the May Day picnic |
Following Tanya's introduction, Bella Simpson (NUS and Unite Community's Youth Officer) spoke on 'Trade Unionism and LGBTQ+ rights', RTUC Secretary John Oversby (UCU) spoke on 'The P&O Dispute and Fire and Rehire', John Lawal (Unite Community BAME and International Officer) addressed 'The Crippling Effects of Discrimination', Sjoerd Smit (Unite) spoke on 'The Role of Marxism in the Struggle for Democratic Fighting Unions' and Adam (Unite Community) gave a powerful speech on 'The Police, Immigration and Borders Bill'.
John Oversby (UCU and RTUC) |
The event ended with ice cream and coffee being offered to attendees by RTUC. Thanks go to Unite, Unite Community and UCU for providing such wonderful speakers from Reading and Oxford.
Adam (Unite Community) |
Here are videos of speeches by RTUC delegates at the Reading International Brigades event:
Tanya Wills, RTUC Acting President:
John Partington, RTUC Treasurer:
Ray Parkes, RTUC Honorary Life Delegate