Thursday, 30 May 2019

RTUC joins the SEND National March

Dave McMullen (GMB)
with the RTUC banner

Reading Trades Union Council joined other groups and individuals in Forbury Gardens on 30 May 2019 to protest the Conservative government's attacks on children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). 'Well done to Annabel Yoxall and her team for organising today’s march calling for an end to the SEND crisis', declared David McMullen (GMB) of RTUC. Annabel, Joolz Scarlett and Matt Rodda all gave informative and poignant talks about the state of the current situation, then led a march through Reading town centre. Friends of RTUC such as Angie Burnish, Cllr Sarah Hacker and Julie Sherratt were present too.
Labour's Matt Rodda MP
supports the movement

According to the 'SEND National Crisis March' Facebook Page (

"NATIONAL MARCH 30 MAY 2019 I have decided to act instead of repeatedly say the words 'we need a march or something'. I've been saying this for almost two years now and nothing has changed to the effect of making any difference. I believe it's time we all united and stood up to the powers that refuse to provide our young people with the education that is rightfully theirs! There are so many of us struggling and battling an unfair system for our children or the people we care for and it is an exhausting process that hammers us into the ground daily. If we do what we have been saying we want to do and march TOGETHER in our masses, then we can no longer be ignored. If you want to make a change then lets start here. We have a page with the same name and are linked to other groups and petitions circulating for the same cause. Our aim: we want the current SEN and EHCP legislation to be re-assessed and we demand continuity amongst regions, We are asking for independent parent governor boards to have enforcement powers to ensure appropriate actions by local authorities throughout the SEN / EHCP process. Thanks for joining us and being part of the process of change!"

RTUC was proud to have been there!

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

May Day 2019

Keith Jerrome (Reading International Brigades Memorial Committee)

Organised by Ray Parkes and Keith Jerrome of the Reading International Brigades Memorial Committee, the International Workers' Day commemoration took place in the Forbury Gardens. Staged at the Reading International Brigades Memorial, Chris Reilly (RMT), President of Reading Trades Union Council, introduced the event, calling on Keith to deliver the first oration. Keith reminded his listeners of the selfless sacrifices of the volunteers to Spain, committed to defeating fascism as soldiers, medics and administrators. He drew parallels to today's struggles, with the far right confident on the streets of Britain and elsewhere, and the left being called upon to continue the fight to keep society free of fascist violence and other oppressions.
Chris Reilly (RMT/RTUC) introduces the speakers
Chris himself spoke with passion about the modern far right in the European elections with the Brexit Party and UKIP garnering over 34% of UK votes.

Cllr Sarah Hacker (Unite/Labour Party)
Cllr Sarah Hacker (Unite/Labour Party) presented her personal history, entering the labour movement through trade unionism, confronting workplace obstacles to advance workers' rights before following her commitment for justice into the Labour Party. She successfully stood for Reading Borough Council in 2010 and has held the Culture, Heritage and Recreation portfolio since 2017.

Robert Wilkinson (Oxford & District Trades Council)
Bob Wilkinson spoke next, a guest from the Oxford Trades Council. He expatiated with passion about the international swing to the right, with Brexit extremists in Britain, Donald Trump's presidency in the USA and Alternative fuer Deutschland in Germany. He urged the left to not only refute right populism but to offer alternatives which address the lowering of living standards, the spread of misinformation and the privatisation drive in public services (including healthcare).

Cllr John Ennis (Labour Party)
Cllr John Ennis (Labour Party) reiterated the threat from the right and called on the left to unite behind the Labour Manifesto and avoid divisions which can weaken the labour movement.

Plan C
Bringing new enthusiasm and 'a plan' to May Day, a speech was delivered on behalf of Plan C, a group outside traditional party structures, organising in the community to engage the public around causes. Following his speech, and thanks from Chris, Plan C marched around Reading town centre, being seen off with ovations from the assembled crowd.

Plan C on the march

Just as the event was winding up, George Wills stepped forward, red flag in hand, a guest from distant Essex, and delivered an impromptu speech of fire and brimstone. Talking of the struggles, defeats - and victories - in his lifetime, fascism militant across Europe, its subjugation, the emergence of the welfare state - and now attacks from the right and the need for renewal. George appealed to young people - while asserting that all those who were gathered were young by his mature standing - and waved them onward in the fight for peace, freedom and justice!

George Wills wraps up with passion!

Following the speeches and Plan C's march, social time was declared with a move to the Outlook Pub and refreshments in a convivial atmosphere! 

Tanya Wills (Unite/RTUC) and Kathy McCubbing
(Palestine Solidarity Campaign)